
Fairy Tale

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Do you believe in fairy tales? Once I didn't, but now I do. Why? Well, let's say that I have been convinced. I have more than one reason to believe in them. The biggest reason though, is the fact that I have become one of them.

“Olivia! Olivia!” my younger sister, Lysandra, said in an excited voice as she ran to me. I crouched down and caught her in a hug.

“You're home!” she exclaimed which almost caused me go deaf on one of my ears. I could her beginning to sob into my shoulder. I smiled as I let my hand go through her now long hair. We stood there until she calmed down and let me go.

“I thought you were gone forever!” Olivia said with hiccups as she tried to wipe away her tears. I couldn't help the small chuckle that left me.

“I promised that I would get back, didn't I?” I said as I ruffled her hair.

“Girl, your hair have gotten long! I thought that you hated to have long hair!” I said to change the topic. Now she beamed at me with her brightest smile.

“I haven't cut it since you left! As a part of the promise!” she said and brushed back some strands of her hair.

“Do you like it?” she asked a bit shyly. I smiled big.

“Why, yes! Though I believe that short hair fit you better.” I teased her a little, but she just smiled back at me.

“I will cut it now that you are here! I hate long hair!” she said and both of us giggled. After we calmed down, I rose up and stretched out my back.

“Now, can you let me in to the house? I don't like standing in the hallway the whole day.” I said and looked at Lysandra. She quickly nodded before she ran to the kitchen. I smiled as I took my bag and walked into the house fully. I walked slowly to take in the sights. It hadn't changed much since the last time I was here, which was six months ago. I put down my bag in the living room before I went to the kitchen.

“So, what are you planning to do?” I asked Lysandra as I saw her picking forth different ingredients.

“I'm going to make you a cake!” Lysandra said enthusiastic and I chuckled.

“Let me help you!” I said as pulled up my sleeves and started to help her. She was happy to have me home. I was happy to be home, even if it wouldn't be for very long.

We had a lot of fun making the cake. It took us a few hours to do it, because we were goofing around, which resulted in the kitchen looking like a real mess. But the cake looked really good. We smiled at each other as the good smell of the cake spread through the house.

“Lysandra! I'm home.” a voice said from the front door. Lysandra smiled even bigger when she heard him.

“What is this smell? Lysandra, have you made a cake?” the voice said as I could hear shuffles in the hallway.

“Daddy!” Lysandra shrieked as she ran to out dad.

“Daddy! Daddy! Olivia is home!” I could hear her exclaiming. I smiled as I turned to the door of the kitchen.

“Olivia is home?” dad said, with a disbelieving voice. My smile turned a little sad.

“Honey... Olivia can't be here... She is-” I could hear him beginning to say, but he shut up as he saw me when they walked into the kitchen. He stared at me with disbelieving eyes, his mouth open.

“See! Olivia is home!” Lysandra said with a bright smile.

“Hi dad.” I said with a smile and waved to him. Dad closed his mouth.

“Olivia...” he said in a whisper as tears began to form in his eyes. He slowly walked over to me.

“It really is you...” he said in a whisper as he stroked my chin carefully, as if I would disappear if he wasn't careful.

“I missed you dad.” I said and hugged him closely. He was first stunned before he hugged me, I could feel that he was crying now.

“You are back...!” he said as he held me harder.

“Yeah... I promised that I would come back, didn't I?” I said with a sad smile. We stood there for a long time.

“Now, let us eat some cake!” Lysandra suddenly said that made me and dad let go. Dad quickly wiped away his tears.

“Oh no, first food!” dad said as he looked at Lysandra.

“But daaaaaad!” she said and pouted. I laughed a little.

“Come on, let us all eat together! Then we can eat some cake in front of the fire!” I said and that quickly changed her mood. Dad made a cough.

“But first. We need to clean the kitchen. We can't cook in this mess, now can we?” dad said with a smirk as he saw my and Lysandra's faces.

“Now, let's get started!” dad said and with groans we started to help dad to clean the kitchen up.

The evening went fast. Soon all of us, Lysandra, dad and I, were in the living room. Lysandra sat beside me in the couch and we were looking at pictures in one of my books. It was a picture of a fairy.

“She is so pretty! Are you sure that she doesn't exist?” Lysandra asked me and looked at me. I smiled.

“Yup! I haven't found any trace of them existing at all! It's my work to find the root of these myths and expose them!” I said and she looked a little worried.

“Aren't you going to make them angry?” she asked.

“I mean, they can do magic and they might hurt you if you say that they don't exist!” she then continued. I could feel dad's gaze on me.

“Magic don't exist Lysandra. And if it did, then humans are in no need to know about it. It's better for them to not know about it.” I said and I could feel how Lysandra looked curiously at me. I stared at the picture. I didn't let my eyes look elsewhere. Saying those words hurt me, but it was for the best.

“But even if magic don't exist, it's alright to believe in it right?” Lysandra asked me slowly.

“Yeah. That's totally fine.” I said and smiled towards Olivia. She squealed and hugged her stuffed shark.

“Oh? You still got Simon?” I said with a smirk. Lysandra stuck out her tongue at me and then giggled.

“Of course! He is my best friend!” she said with a smile. She then leaned over my book again.

“What's next?” she asked and turned the page. My heart almost stopped beating, I didn't want to talk about this one.

“'Cat demons'? Can cats be evil?” Lysandra asked and looked at me. I stared at the picture of the supposed cat demon.

“Yeah. Just as every animal.” I said and tried to calm down my heart. I tried to change to the next page but Lysandra wouldn't have that.

“Tell me more about them!” she demanded. I sighed and once again stared at the picture.

“Cat demons are a demon who have taken the form of a cat. Some are saying that these demons are souls of a deceased person who died tragically. It is also said that they are the ones who brings bad luck to people, especially if you see one. If you see them when they are disguised as a human and recognize them, that means that you are going to be one of them or you are going to die a painful death. What ever you do, don't offend them. They will make sure that you will regret it.” I said and I was unable to conceal my fear in my voice completely. Luckily Lysandra hadn't noticed my fear, but I could feel dad's worried look at me. It was rare for me to be afraid, and I had never been afraid of stories and for things that wasn't real.

“So they are really dangerous! I hope that you didn't make them angry when you tried to show that they wasn't real!” Lysandra said and looked at me sternly. I faked a smile.

“Of course I didn't.” I assured her and after some hesitation she accepted what I said.

“Anyway, it's time for bed young lady.” my dad suddenly said, making both of us jump. We looked at dad and I could see that Lysandra started to pout.

“But daaad!” she complained but after a look from dad, she sighed and slipped down from the couch.

“Goodnight Olivia!” she said as she quickly hugged me before she hurried to the bathroom.

“Sleep tight.” I said after her and couldn't help feeling sad. Now I felt dad's stare at me and I stared down at my lap. I didn't look at him. I heard him sigh before I could hear him walking to me. I saw in the corner of my eye him sitting down beside me in the couch.

“What's wrong Olivia?” dad asked me as he put a hand on my shoulder.

“Nothing is wrong.” I said, still refusing to look at dad.

“Don't lie Olivia. You are scared and you usually aren't. Especially when you talk about fairy tales. You have always been the one who busted those stories-that's even what you are working with now!-so I don't understand why you are so scared now! What happened during the time you was away? Tell me... Please.” dad pleaded. I wished that I could tell him, but I can't. That would just hurt him.

“I... I'm going to bed.” I said and rose up and started to walk towards the stairs to get to my room with quick steps.

“Olivia...” I heard dad say but I didn't stop. I went to my room to try to get some sleep.

I got woken up by a certain little lady, jumping on my stomach. I gasped as the air left me and Lysandra giggled.

“Come on Olivia! Wake up!” she said happily.

“I'm awake! Get off me!” I said and pushed her off me. Then we both laughed.

“Now, aren't you going to get ready for school?” I asked after we both calmed down.

“But I wanna stay home while you are home!” Lysandra complained.

“I know. But you have to go. Now, I'll follow you to school!” I said and we both got up and ready for school. During the breakfast, I didn't look at dad. I kind of avoided him. Luckily Lysandra and I were soon on our way to Lysandra's school.

“-and then we can play in the park!” she said excitedly. I made a small laugh.

“Don't make too many plans. I can't stay too long.” I said with a sad smile.

“Why not?” Lysandra asked and looked at me as we walked.

“I just can't. Sorry.” I said and Lysandra pouted.

“Come on, be a little more happy Lysandra! I'm here now, that's what matters right?” I said with a smile. Lysandra nodded. Soon we was at her school. We stopped outside.

“I see you after school! Then we can play!” Lysandra said with a bright smile.

“Yeah. We do that.” I said and waved her off. As I stood there, I noticed a black cat coming towards me. I bit my lip and ignored it. I started to walk home and I was well aware that the cat followed me.

“Leave me alone. I still got time.” I hissed to the cat. It didn't answer, but I could feel the smug smile it probably had on it's lips. I started to run in a useless attempt to escape my fate.

“Olivia!” I heard dad suddenly shout. I swirled around and saw dad sitting in a car, waving to me.

“Jump in.” he said and his voice left no place for arguments. I gulped and glanced behind me. The cat was still there. I looked back at dad and he gave me this look. I sighed and walked to the car and got in. Dad threw a look at the cat before he drove away. We both were silent for a while before he spoke up.

“Olivia. Tell me the truth. What happened during the time you was gone?” he asked. I sighed heavily.

“I don't want to talk about it.” I mumbled, barely loud enough for dad to hear.

“That black cat. It's a cat demon isn't it?” dad suddenly asked. I froze and paled.

“W-w-why would you believe they are real?” I stuttered forth as I regained some of my posture.

“I know they are real. I've met one before.” he said firmly. This time I looked at dad with questioning eyes. This time he sighed.

“You don't know about this... Your mother was once chased by cat demons.” he said as he risked a glance at my face before he turned his attention back to the road.

“... What?” I said as I stared at dad.

“Your mother had been traveling around Egypt for some time before she came home. She was very nervous and had developed this fear of cats. You don't know this because she sent you two to your aunt's house the same day she got home. Told me it was for your own safety. She also tried to make me go away but I didn't let her win. As the days became weeks I noticed that she was stalked by black cats. And whenever I told her about the cats she paled and panicked. But she never told me why. Not until I saw a man staring at out house. He didn't seem to be human so I asked her about him. It was then she told me that she had pissed off a few cat demons and made them interested in her. She was so scared of dying that she had run away, but they always found her. I promised her that I would protect her, but I was unable to do that. A few days later, she got killed. They never found the murderer but I know that it was a cat demon who killed her.” dad told me in a quiet voice. I couldn't do anything but stare. I couldn't believe what dad was telling me.

“So please Olivia. Tell me what happened.” dad said once again and I sighed.

“I can't dad. I don't want you to get hurt.” I said and looked out of the window.

“Olivia-” dad began but I interrupted him.

“I can only be with you two just for two more days dad. After that, I will never come back. I'll be gone forever. Please let me enjoy my time here with you.” I pleaded to him. Dad was quiet for some time.

“Alright. I'll take the days off then. And I will make sure that Lysandra doesn't need to be in school during that time. We'll have some family time.” dad said after a while with a small but sad smile.

“Thanks dad.” I said and both of us were quiet during the rest of the ride.

The two days passed too fast for my liking. My time was up and I had to leave. I had pretended that I had packed a bag with things I needed for my journey, but it was in fact empty. I didn't need anything from my home and the others would have thrashed my things to break my spirit even more.

“Do you really have to leave so soon?” Lysandra asked with her sad voice. She was looking down in the floor.

“Yes.” I simply said, equally sad as her. Dad looked at me but didn't say a word.

“When will you come back?” she asked me and looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

“I... I won't come back Lysandra. I never will.” I said as I swallowed a lump in my throat. It felt like someone had pierced my heart with a pole and twisted it around while pouring salt in the wound. Lysandra's eyes went wide and a look of betrayal came across her face. Tears were starting to form in her eyes.

“Why?!” she demanded.

“I can't. I would love to stay, but I can't. I wish that I could stay, playing with you all day but I can't! I'm sorry, but I can't...” I said and I felt how tears was about to come. But I forced myself not to cry.

“Why can't you?!” she screamed and tears were running down her face. I crouched down in front of her and carefully wiped away her tears as I was fighting against my own. I licked my lips as I found myself losing my voice.

“During my last journey things happened Lysandra. Bad things.” I said, my voice beginning to tremble more and more.

“I... I discovered something that people will kill me for. If I stay you will get hurt, probably killed. I don't want that. I-” I told her but got interrupted buy her.

“But I can fight them! I can fight anyone!” Lysandra exclaimed. I shook my head and held her cheeks in my hands. She was looking down in the ground again when I started to talk.

“No, you can't. They are too strong for you.” I said carefully. I made her look up at me again.

“Can you promise me something?” I said in a whisper. Lysandra slowly nodded. I smiled a little.

“Remember me. Remember the fun times we had together. That way I will always be close to you even if I'm gone. Please promise me that you will remember.” I begged her. Lysandra nodded as she started to hiccup because of the tears. I smiled as I wiped away her tears. She then suddenly turned around and ran to her room. I looked after her before I stood and turned to dad.

“She will get over it. Eventually.” he said and we both were silent for a little while. Then dad hugged me tight.

“Please be safe Olivia.” he whispered and my tears started to fall as I hugged him back. I didn't want to let go, I wanted to be a little girl that could be comforted by my father. I cried in dad's arms as he held me and stroke my hair soothingly. After a little while we let go off each other and I wiped my tears.

“I better go now.” I mumbled and dad nodded. As I was heading out of the door, Lysandra called my name. I turned around and she threw herself at me to give me a tight hug. I hugged her back. After we let go of each other she held out Simon to me.

“Take him!” she said. I looked at the stuffed toy shark before I looked at Lysandra.

“I can't. He is your best friend, remember?” I said with a sad smile.

“Well, yeah. He is. But he will become your best friend too! He will travel with you so you won't be so lonely! And whenever you see him you will remember me! And dad! So take him with you!” she said and pushed Simon into my hands. I looked at the toy in my hands before I looked at Lysandra again.

“Are you sure?” I asked and she nodded.

“Yup! I mean, sure I'll miss him. But you are in need of him even more than I am! So take care of him 'kay?” she said with a smile. I couldn't help but smile and nod.

“Okay. That's a promise.” I said and Lysandra's smile became brighter. I stood up and looked at Lysandra and dad.

“Bye.” I said with a small wave with my free hand before I took my empty bag and walked out to a waiting car.

“Bye Olivia! I promise that I'll remember you!” I heard Lysandra said. I couldn't help the smile that was on my lips. I placed my bag in the car and got into the passenger seat. The black man glanced at my family and at me but I ignored him. I turned to my family and waved to them as the car started to drive away. Lysandra and dad was waving back, dad looking like he had lost his wife once again. It was true, but this time it was his daughter. His dear daughter.

“Nice family Olivia.” the black man said after we have gotten away from the city.

“Shut up.” I said as I looked at the stuffed toy shark in my hands. I held in gently and was stroking the paled fabric of the shark. The man chuckled at my response.

“Your family is strong. Especially the little girl.” he hummed as he parked the car on the side of the road.

“Don't you dare to touch her!” I snapped as I turned my head towards him and glared at him. He suddenly was in my face, holding my chin gently. He chuckled ominously.

“Dear Olivia. Don't forget who I am.” he said as he looked deep into my eyes with his yellow cat eyes, daring me to challenge him. I gulped and didn't say anything, but didn't back down. He once again chuckled and walked out of the car.

“Come on now darling. We have much to do.” he said and I slowly went out of the car. I left my bag but took Simon with me. The black man raised an eyebrow when he saw the stuffed toy. I didn't say anything about it. I didn't plan on breaking my promise. He just shrugged and held out a hand to me. I hesitantly took his hand and we started to walk away from the car, to never be seen again.


There have been a rumor lately. If you walk in a certain forest outside a certain city you might see a young woman walking around carrying something. If you try to approach her, she will disappear and reappear somewhere else. You might find her at the base of a tree, hugging whatever she was carrying. If you walk carefully enough, you might come close enough to see the torn, stuffed toy shark she had. You might be able to see the tears on her beautiful face. But whatever you do, don't let her see you that close. Because if she does, her green cat eyes and cat claws will be the last thing you ever see.

This is a very late gift for :iconlysandr-a:! She asked for a story about a cat demon and with the element of a shark. I hope that this is enough to fulfill the criterias! And it became longer than I though(5 pages!!!) but I'm very happy with the result!

I hope that you like the story Lysandra! :)

© 2014 - 2024 buslimpan
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Lysandr-a's avatar
Tehehehe, weee! Story for meee! :hug: I am really really happy for it! And my nickname is famous :-D
And the little Lysandra is adorable :-) And cat demons are puuuuuuure evil. Purrrrrrrrrr evil :-D 
I love the characters, you made them reliable and realistic... and full of emotions.
Great job, really! And you have my thanks :-)